Tuesday, May 29, 2018

A Good Day to Die Hard 2013 en Cine

A Good Day to Die Hard 2013 en Cine

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A Good Day to Die Hard 2013 en Cine

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Anand Marie

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Conwell Brisa

Diseño de guión:
Liwsi Clary

Imágenes : Giles Jayan
Co-Produzent : Ronsard Darlan

Productor ejecutivo : Kaiya Nielsen

Director de arte supervisor:
Oscar Fanta

Produce|Producir : Delia Adèle

Fabricante: Abbé Leona

Actriz : Danveer Holy


Título de la película

A Good Day to Die Hard 2013 en Cine


182 minuto




WMV 1080p


Action, Thriller


English, Pусский

nombre de reparto

Uriel, Prod. GFPStacy E. Cristi, Ronan W. Liard

[HD] A Good Day to Die Hard 2013 en Cine

My god what a disappointment! The original movie had a script worth watching and some good action and special effects. This one, well this was a typical Hollywood script written by someone who either was incredibly stupid or just too arrogant to care. It is a script that I would expect from a SyFy channel production.

There was absolutely nothing that made sense in this script. The actual plot about Chernobyl that was ludicrous to say the least. I’m sure the special effects guys had a great day doing the car chase at the beginning but it was just exaggerated and silly to watch. Obviously there are no cops or anything in Moscow since they could drive around smashing cars forever without anyone seeming to care. They walk into Chernobyl and sprays some magic fluid onto the highly radioactive place and voilà, the radioactivity is gone and they can take off their protective suits. What a load of bull! They steal a car and drive to Chernobyl (which is around 1000 kilometres away and the roads in Russia are NOT western highway standard) and they still manage to get there in time to catch the bad guys who are in choppers. Not to mention the fact that they actually get near the place without being stopped. I can go on with this but it is only more and more depressing.

Oh, my favourite (sarcasm), Switzerland have obviously invaded France since Grenoble is now in Switzerland. Funny that I, who lives a couple of hours drive from Grenoble, have not heard about this. That is just so typical dumbass American script writer who have never set foot outside of Hollywood. Maybe it was supposed to be funny but I honestly do not think so and in any case, it was not funny.

The only reason this movie gets a 4 out of 10 star rating is because the special effects are indeed impressive if you can push yourself to look past the ludicrousness of them and it is Bruce Willis after all. It is a shame that they obviously handed the franchise over to some idiot(s) that obviously where utterly incompetent at what they were doing.
Big, dumb, fun action flick in Russia dies hard to entertain

RELEASED IN 2013 and directed by John Moore, "A Good Day to Die Hard" is the Third of (currently) five installments in the Die Hard series. In this one John McClane (Bruce Willis) travels to Moscow to aid his unruly son, Jack (Jai Courtney), only to discover that Jack is an undercover agent. Father & son team-up to stop a nuclear weapons heist. Sebastian Koch is on hand as a focal point in the heist.

The Die Hard flicks fill the bill if you're in the mood for big, dumb, fun action thrills. Don't get me wrong because a lot of work goes into making these kinds of films and it takes talent & genius to pull them off. I mean "dumb" in the sense that the focus is on unbelievable action rather than deeper themes beyond "genuinely good people may be flawed and somewhat profane, but they're courageous and never give up in the face of evil." Thankfully, this installment throws in some entertaining father/son character development in between the wild action sequences. McClane’s daughter also appears for good measure (Mary Elizabeth Winstead).

The story isn't quite as engaging as "Live Free or Die Hard" (2007), but it was good enough and the action scenes are out of this world, including a long vehicle chase in Moscow in the opening act. Director Moore ups the ante with quick-editing for this one. Some parts are eye-rolling absurd, but everything's done with a quasi-realistic tone, which sorta helps the viewer go along with the ridiculousness rather than tune out.

The Die Hard flicks are the natural progeny of over-the-top films like 1977's "The Gauntlet" where the action scenes are so overdone they're cartoony, but entertaining. There's a thin line that filmmakers must tread with these kinds of blockbusters because they can easily fall into overKILL, like 2001's "The Mummy Returns." Thankfully, "A Good Day to Die Hard" pretty much evades that ditch by giving us entertaining protagonists & antagonists, amusing one-liners, worthy bits of character development and a compelling comic booky story. Speaking of the story, one of the highlights is the infamous Russian location of the final act. Another highlight is hottie raven-haired Yuliya Snigir.

THE MOVIE RUNS 1 hour, 38 minutes and was shot in Budapest, Hungary, with the Chernobyl scenes done at Old Soviet Air Force Base, Kiskunlacháza, Hungary, along with establishing shots of Moscow. WRITERS: Skip Woods.

GRADE: B/B- (6.5/10)
Iconoclastic, take-no-prisoners cop John McClane, finds himself for the first time on foreign soil after traveling to Moscow to help his wayward son Jack - unaware that Jack is really a highly-trained CIA operative out to stop a nuclear weapons heist. With the Russian underworld in pursuit, and battling a countdown to war, the two McClanes discover that their opposing methods make them unstoppable heroes.

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